What is Nothing?

Can you imagine nothing? I cannot. I always have to put it into the context of “something”.

A vast number of scientists, astronomers, and cosmologists believe the “Big Bang Theory” was the beginning of our universe with a current estimate of 200 billion trillion stars and planets. (They also put this theory in the context of an understandable “something”.)   Artificial Intelligence Copilot describes it as follows:

“The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began as a singular, infinitely small and hot point around 13.8 billion years ago. This point exploded, and the universe has been expanding and cooling ever since. It's like the ultimate "started from the bottom, now we're here" story. Galaxies, stars, planets, and ultimately life—everything came into existence as a result of that initial cosmic event.”

Even in “this theory” these scientists, astronomers, and cosmologists cannot explain or even theorize how nothing became something (their hot point).

On our tiny planet other scientists theorize where a human with 37.2 billion cells in his/her body came from. Their evolution theory is:

“Humans started as simple, single-celled organisms like amoebas in primordial seas, evolving into complex, multicellular life forms over billions of years from simple bacteria to fish, then amphibians, reptiles, and eventually mammals. Each step was shaped by natural selection and environmental changes. Feels a bit sci-fi, right?”

(The preceding answer is what I received when I asked the Artificial Intelligence Copilot about the theory of evolution. You will find AI’s last sentence above is exactly where reality lands. Even AI questions this manmade theory as sci-fi.)

My wife, who was co-valedictorian in her high school, an honor student in college, and got her master’s degree in science and biology. She was well educated in the theories of the “Big Bang” and Evolution. She taught this high school curriculum of science and biology to advanced students.

In our first four years of marriage residing in Houston, Dallas, New Jersey and Venezuela, we rarely attended church. Moving back to Houston with our first infant baby, we got involved in church and Bible studies. As my wife got more and more involved with the Bible in study and discussion groups, she began to question the reality of the theories she had been taught and had been teaching. She was greatly bothered that the scientists in both the Creation Theory and the Evolution Theory were trying to explain and rationalize their beliefs with variables like time. Millions and billions of years provided the necessary variables on which their theories rested. She began to see clearly that one little hot mass (that its only origin had to be out of the minds of men) that exploded could not have created a vast universe, no matter how many billions or even trillions of years. She also began to see clearly that a one-cell amoeba could never evolve into an intelligent human with billions of cells, no matter how many millions or billions of years.

The first book of the Bible, Genesis, begins in the very first verse, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. The Hebrew word in this verse for create is “bara” which means to make something out of nothing. This profound truth with no manmade variables presented a possible answer to many of her questions. This caused her to seek out expert scientists who believed in Biblical creation.

She found these in the Institute of Creation Research (ICR). These scholars in various areas of science subscribe to the Young Earth creationism where the age of the earth and the universe is somewhere between 6,000 to 10,000 years as counted throughout the Bible. ICR conducts research in areas like geology, genetics, astro/geophysics, and paleoclimatology, all while aligning with a Biblical creationist perspective. Only Biblical Creation begins with a Creator with nothing else in space and time.

Until the day that my wife went Home in Heaven, she praised God that He allowed her to see beyond the manmade educational theories of creation and evolution to His truth of Colossians 1:15-16 about the Supremacy and Creativity of Christ.

“He (Christ) is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation; for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.”

It appears that the more educated humans become, they want solid answers to everything. This results in spending billions and billions of dollars and results in manmade answers and rationalizations to justify their existence. However, our Creator God tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

We need to rest in this reality and in the reality of Christ as our Creator, Lord and Savior.

Ed Thomas

Ed is a follower of Jesus and is an author, speaker, and podcaster. He is passionate about equipping others with “shoe leather for their faith” — experiencing God’s Word every day while walking closely with Him.


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